Documentary Research


Completed the introduction section of the script including the introduction of the monomyth and Joseph Campbell, and Joss Whedon’s intentions with the character.

I used the following for research purposes:

  • The Hero With A Thousand Faces by Joseph Campbell, published by Pantheon Books 1949, 1968, 2008
  • Joss Whedon Interview – Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season One Special Features
  • Buffy The Vampire Slayer S01E01 – Welcome To The Hellmouth


Rough Cut Feedback

Not good enough…yet.  Got a few shots that I can keep, but the majority needs to be replaced.  The biggest issue was how I light (or how I don’t light) my shots.  I need to think about how the show reel flows in terms of pacing and how the shots progress.  Need to include some sound design and mess with the dynamic range of the soundtrack.  So basically I need to film more shots.

Take out March shots from nature reserve, second shot of statue, Danny nature reserve, FITB hospital.

Well my moral just took a good boot up the backside.  It’s the kind of feeling when you just want to runaway.  Anyone with a passing knowledge of Joss Whedon can recognise that I’m a massive fan. In situations like this |I’m reminded of a situation recounted in Amy Pascale’s Whedon biography in which he’s talking about working on a show called Parenthood as a writer with show runner Ty King.  He recounts a scenario in which the pair are despairing over network changes and there fear of the shows cancellation…

At one point the two were venting their frustration of the show.  “This is unbelievable what they’re doing.  They’re killing us.  This is just…I’m so angry.”  Then King turned to Joss, with the biggest smile, and said, “This is so much fun.”  “I never forgot that,” Joss says.  “It’s so true.”

And he’s right.  Obviously my making a below standard show reel is not the fault of the lecturers standing as a metaphorical television network.  I remember working at Fujitsu and dealing with similar feelings and being so disillusioned by the entire stressful enterprise because it meant absolutely nothing to me on any kind of profound or important level.

Not so with the show reel.  This is something I do care about.  Even the negative aspects are part of a process that I love.